Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Nov 10, 2019

The Weight and Joy of Being an Influencer
2 Corinthians 5:20 - 6:13
What is ministry?
Who are you an ambassador to?
1. The __________________ in ministry
2. The __________________ in ministry
3. The __________________ in ministry
So now what?

Sunday Nov 03, 2019

The Discipline of Discipline
2 Corinthians 2:5 - 11
What is the background information that sets up this passage?
1. The __________________ of DisciplineIn verse 5, why might Paul have referred to the
individual as “anyone”?
Sin in the church hurts _____________________.
2. The __________________ of DisciplineWhat punishment has likely been used on the
Where do we find instruction from Paul to the Corinthians regarding church discipline?
What does Luke 17:3-4 remind us?
Two words to discuss the effects of Christ’s death and resurrection - ________________ and _________________.
What is the difference between these two?
3. Healthy ______________
What does 2 Corinthians 5:17 remind us?
(Are you going to memorize this verse by next Sunday?)
Your past doesn’t _____________________ _____________________ .

Sunday Oct 27, 2019

Hell – The Uncomfortable Truth
Why would a loving God send people to hell? 
Does God delight in the punishment of the sinful?
Hell is a place of eternal _______________  _______________.
Biblical Descriptions of Hell:
What can we learn from the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)?   
The intermediate state is a _______________ of what is to come.
Are we saved or condemned based on our lifestyles?
Fire is a common theme in Scripture regarding hell.
To what does the word “Gehenna" refer?
What does it mean that there is a “chasm” between heaven and hell?
Do Satan and his demons run hell?
Do people in hell wish they had another chance to make a different choice?
What is the Great News?

Sunday Oct 20, 2019

Revelation 21

Sunday Oct 13, 2019

A Tale of Two Tents
2 Corinthians 5:1-10
1.  Our _______________
To what do “tent” and “building” refer (verse 1)?
To what is Paul referring when he mentions being “naked” or “unclothed” (verses 3 & 4)?
Does Scripture indicate we will have real bodies in the “intermediate state”?
In verse 5, what question does the Holy Spirit answer for us?
There can be a healthy and unhealthy response to verse 8. What is the difference?
When frustrated with our bodies, or life in general, we should ask…
2.  Tent _______________
According to verse 9, what should be our one goal?
Holiness is something you _______________  _______________, not something you _______________  _______________  _______________.
The judgment, in verse 10, is not punitive, but _______________.  
Are Christians rewarded differently by the Lord? What Scriptures might give us insight?
*Practical note:  This week review this passage with a friend, or your family.  Discuss what you learned.  Use your notes.  
Answer this question: What is one way you can live so as to please the Lord?

Sunday Oct 06, 2019

Been Knocked Down…Not Sure If I Can Get Back Up
2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Life is hard sometimes
What kinds of blows have you experienced lately?
How to handle the punches of life
Principle #1: Live in the _______________ as both broken jars of clay (humanness) and the power of God from within (treasure).
Principle #2: Our bodies are failing, our _______________ is being renewed daily.
Principle #3: Recognize that trials are momentary and _______________.
Look to the (unseen) _______________ and take some of the focus off the (seen) _______________.

Sunday Sep 29, 2019

Staying Bold
2 Corinthians 4:1-6
1. Boldness in _______________
God was merciful to both _______________ and _______________ a person like Paul. 
In Christ, your _______________ is much less important than your _______________. 
How do we stay out of our own way?
2. Boldness without _______________
What does Paul mean when he says that he refuses to “tamper" (verse 2) with God’s word?
What warning did Paul give to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1-4?
How can the gospel be veiled (verse 3)?
3. Bold _______________
Who is the “god of this world”?
Is he really a god?
What is the difference between darkness and light?
How can we apply this passage to our life?

Sunday Sep 22, 2019

Ministers of the New Covenant
2 Corinthians 3

Sunday Sep 15, 2019

The Sweet Smell of Victory
1. The Sweet _______________ of _______________
Why is Paul anxious in Troas?
Paul is so distraught, he _______________
What are some elements of a celebrated Roman military victory?
Does Paul view himself as among the victors or the conquered?
2. The Sweet _______________ of _______________
What is an “aroma”?
What is meant by…
“...from death to death” -
“…from life to life” -
3. What about our _______________?
What are we commissioned to do?
What are a couple of simple ideas?

Sunday Sep 08, 2019

The Discipline of Discipline
2 Corinthians 2:5 - 11What is the background information that sets up this passage?
1. The __________________ of DisciplineIn verse 5, why might Paul have referred to the
individual as “anyone”?
Sin in the church hurts _____________________.
2. The __________________ of DisciplineWhat punishment has likely been used on the
Where do we find instruction from Paul to the Corinthians regarding church discipline?
What does Luke 17:3-4 remind us?
Churches can handle sin with either inappropriate____________ or ______________.
3. A ______________ with Discipline
What does the “Lord’s Prayer” remind us?
What do we know about Satan?
Satan is equally pleased with discipline that is either too___________ or ______________.
4. The ______________ of Discipline
What do we find in Matthew 18 about confronting a sinful person?
Churches can handle sin with either inappropriate____________ or ______________.
3. A ______________ with Discipline
What does the “Lord’s Prayer” remind us?
What do we know about Satan?
Satan is equally pleased with discipline that is either too___________ or ______________.
4. The ______________ of Discipline
What do we find in Matthew 18 about confronting a sinful person?

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