
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Judges: Not So Super Heroes
Judges 3:1-11
What information is helpful to know about Judges?
What is the “Cycle of Judges”?
1. The _______________ of Israel
Why is God testing Israel?
When we are tested, is it for God’s benefit or ours?
Historically, how did the church misuse the prohibition of intermarriage?
What was the real reason Israel was prohibited from intermarrying with the surrounding people?
2. _______________ - The First Judge
Who was…
How was Othniel unique as a judge?
What does John 14 remind us about our connection with the Spirit of God?
3. _______________ the Cycle
What principle can we apply from this passage?

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Judges - Not So Super Heroes
Judges 1-2
Where are we in the history of Israel?
What is the general timeframe of the book of Judges?
1. Super _______________
What was the most significant failure of Israel during this time?
What does Judges 21:25 remind us?
2. Super Severe _______________
Why is the book of Judges still relevant to us today?
What is our “lesson in parenting”?
3. Superhero _______________
What kind of “judges” were these people?
What is the “Cycle of Judges”?
What is one application for us today?

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Welcome to Sandhills Community Church!
What is the purpose of SCC?
What are our core values?
What is one passage in Scripture where we find a good description of the gospel?
What does Romans 10:9 remind us?
What is the difference between Moralism and Morality?
Moralism -
Morality -
To what situation is the gospel immediately applied in Ephesians 2:11-22?
How do I need to apply this message?

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Highlight Reel
1 Corinthians
What are some background details (context) of this letter to the Corinthians?
This letter addresses 6 key areas. These areas are:
1. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:
2. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:
3. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:
4. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:
5. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:
6. ____________________
Key Scripture:
Point of Application:

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Final Challenges
1. Challenge to _______________
Why might the Christians in Jerusalem need help?
Parameters for giving:
Each person -
As they may prosper -
2. Challenge to _______________
Why might Paul want to stay for an extended period of time in Corinth?
What adversaries might Paul have encountered in Ephesus?
What might Paul mean when he says “be watchful” (v. 13)?
“Stand firm” (v.13) is a _______________ term.
3. Challenge to _______________
Ways we can apply this message:

Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Secrets of the Kingdom
1. The Secret of _______________
How are our bodies like fresh fruit?
Should we expect our spiritual bodies to have substance?
In this passage, to what does “sleep” likely refer?
Where else in Scripture might we find a reference to a trumpet summoning God’s people?
2. The Secret of _______________
How has death gained its power?
What does God’s Law do for us?
Why is it important to remember that the victory is the Lord’s (v.57)?
3. The Secret of _______________
What is the work of the Lord?
We need to remember that our work is not in _______________.

Sunday Jul 29, 2018

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
The Good News You Can Use
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
A. First Importance (15:1-3) The G.O.S.P.E.L
G - _______________ news
O - _______________ Testament fulfilled
S - _______________ forgiven
P - _______________ witnesses
E - _______________ tomb
L - _______________ changed
B. Practical Applications
1. Christian faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus
2. Because of the resurrection I can face tomorrow
3. Resurrection is a historical fact verified by witnesses and the reliability of Scripture

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
How to Church
1 Corinthians 14:26-40
1. An Orderly _______________
What were elements of early church services?
What was the limitation regarding "tongues”?
How was order established for prophets?
What is the goal of the corporate service?
2. Orderly _______________
What caution do we need for passages like these (vv.34-35) that seem controversial?
Where do we find that women have the ability to prophesy?
Orderly Application:
How can we apply this passage?

Sunday Jul 08, 2018