Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Apr 22, 2018

Margin - Increasing Our Capacity to Give
1 Timothy 6:6-10
If we don’t create __________ for what’s __________, what’s _______________ becomes _______________.
1. Margin - Finding _______________
True godliness is retained regardless of _______________.
Be the master of your emotions, don’t…...  
Of what are we reminded in Luke 12:20?
2. Margin- Avoiding _______________
How is desire insatiable?
According to 1 Timothy 6:10, is money evil?
3. Margin to be _______________
Money isn’t our _______________.  We are.
We need to:
Get on a _______________.
Budget our _______________.

Sunday Apr 15, 2018

Margin - Increasing Our Capacity to Serve
Ephesians 4:1-16
1. Margin - _______________ of the Servant
Where is the Apostle Paul as he writes these words?
What is his goal for us?
2. Margin - _______________ the Servant
What does the reference to Jesus’ ascension mean?
Where do we find the lists of spiritual gifts in Scripture?
3. Margin - _______________ of Servants
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
In verse 15, we see a reference to “truth in love.”
Truth refers to:
Love refers to:

Sunday Apr 08, 2018

What exciting things is the Lord doing at our church?
What are the needs of our church right now?
We don’t need more busyness.  We need _________________.
The Need for ________________
-After his resurrection, what challenge did Jesus give Peter?
-Do we have a similar challenge from the Lord?
-Where do we find our challenge to ministry in the Scriptures?
-God promises in Acts 1:6-8 that He will give His people His ___________  ______________.
Our purpose at Sandhills Community Church is:
_____________  ____________  ____  ___________ ___________ ______________  ________________

Friday Mar 30, 2018

Sunday Mar 25, 2018

I Am Peter
What do we know about Peter?
How is Peter self-aware?
What disciples are in the "inner circle" with Jesus?
I Am Peter: _______________
What kind of miracles has Peter witnessed?
What do we learn about Peter from his “walk on the water” in Matthew 14:22-33?
I Am Peter: _______________
In Matthew 16:13-18, what is significant about Peter’s proclamation of Christ?
What is the “name thing” occurring in this verse?
What are the “keys of the kingdom”?
I Am Peter: _______________
In Matthew 16:21-23, Jesus unexpectedly rebukes Peter.  What happened?
I Am Peter: _______________
In Matthew 21:1-11, we see the Triumphal entry.
What is Passover?
Why did the people line up to see Jesus?
What was Jesus declaring about himself?  
How did he do this?
I Am Peter: _______________

Sunday Mar 18, 2018

Marathon Miracle
Everybody wants to be known for something. What do you want to be known for?
Jesus-centered life isn’t a  _______________, rather a marathon. Therefore isn’t about _______________ - It’s about endurance.
1.The marathon   _______________ (v 24) “I run to win.”
2.The marathon _______________    (v 25)
  “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training” (verse 25)
3.The marathon _______________ “I myself will not be disqualified for the prize” (v 27)
“Run with perseverance the race that is set before us….Fixing our eyes on Jesus who endured the cross…who endured such opposition.”  (Hebrews 12:3)
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me in Christ Jesus.’’ (Philippians 3:14)
Ever felt like quitting? Throwing in the towel? Felt disqualified? What if I have no motivation to start? Where have I stopped running? Where do you need sustainability? Pick one area of your life that needs a kick-start…

Sunday Mar 11, 2018

What is Best?
Have you ever given up __________ __________ for something you wanted more?
Paul had __________ and so do __________. (1 Cor. 8:9-9:6)
What are your rights?
- __________ rights
- __________ rights
What is my __________? vs. What is __________? (v 7-14)
1 Cor. 9:12  -  “…we __________ __________…”
There’s something __________ for you,
than what’s better for __________,
because it’s not __________ you. (v 15-23)
Bottom Line:
What’s __________ for you is what’s best for the __________.
What to do?
1. Identify one __________ that you might need to __________ __________.
2. Ask God to help you __________ __________ as what is __________.

Sunday Mar 04, 2018

Knowledge, Freedom & Love
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
1. _______________
What likely is this “knowledge” in verse 1?
In verse 2, Paul refers to "imagined knowledge." Who might he be implicating?
2. _______________
What does the “therefore” indicate in verse 4?
What was an important cultural issue of the day?
3. _______________
Some people are ignorant or confused about the Christian faith.  What does Paul fear for them?
What is a Christian principle found in verse 9?
What is a warning we need from verse 9?
4.  Knowledge, Freedom and Love _______________ 
What is it that Paul seems to fear the most?
What is a modern day application for today’s church?

Sunday Feb 25, 2018

The Distracted Christian
1. The _______________ of Distraction
Why does Paul appeal for people to evaluate their relationships in regard to marriage and singleness?
What is God’s view of marriage, according to Genesis 2:18?
What is the point of verses 29-31?
2. The _______________ of Focus
According to verse 32, Paul wants us to be free from _______________.
For the Christian, which is morally superior- Singleness or Marriage? 
3. Live the _______________ Life
This is the _______________ point of this passage.
Distraction is a tool of _______________
What are ways we can stay focused?

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