
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
The Incarnation of Jesus in the Community
When it comes to incarnating Christ in the Community, we must:
What does it mean to be intentional?
What does it mean to “love others”?
What does Jesus mean by “living water”?
When we share the gospel what must we talk about?
What does it mean to worship in?
Spirit -
Truth -
How can you incarnate Christ in the community?

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
John 1:1-14
The Incarnation
What does the word "Incarnation" mean?
What is John teaching us about Jesus’ identity?
Did Jesus ever claim to be “God”?
What is the “hypostatic union”?
Is there a reference in the Old Testament about Messiah being God in the flesh?
Is it a “big deal” if Jesus is “God in the flesh”?
John likes using the terms “life” and “light”. To what do these normally refer?
Life -
Light -
The Word became Flesh: How do we live out the incarnation?

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
So Sue Me!
1. ___________________ in the church.
What is the problem here?
To what does the term “unrighteous” refer?
What does Paul mean by referring to “trivial cases” in verse 2?
Appropriate shame is ____________ ___________.
2. ___________________ in the church. Is there ever a benefit to “suffering wrong”?
What does Jesus remind us in Matthew 5:38 - 42?
Where do we read about Paul’s suffering?
What does Paul mean by referring to “trivial cases” in verse 2?
Appropriate shame is ____________ ___________.
2. ___________________ in the church. Is there ever a benefit to “suffering wrong”?
What does Jesus remind us in Matthew 5:38 - 42?
Where do we read about Paul’s suffering?
What makes a person unrighteous (vv 9 - 10)?
What makes a person unrighteous (vv 9 - 10)?
What does Jesus remind us in Matthew 7:21 - 23?
3. ___________________ in the church.
Verse 11 reminds us that we can ____________.
Jesus doesn’t just forgive, he _______________.
What does it mean to be sanctified?
What does it mean to be justified?
Salvation is an ____________ and a ___________.
What do we need to remember as we apply these truths in the “real world”?

Sunday Nov 19, 2017

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Who Are We? Who Are You?
1. Who are ___________________
Of what are we reminded when it comes to Christian ministers?
Ministers are just ____________________
Verse 5 reminds us that one day, God will....
In verse 6, what does it mean to “not go beyond what is written”?
2. Who are ___________________
The Corinthians viewed themselves as people of ___________________
What are the circumstances, and reactions, of the apostles in verses 11 - 13?
What is the difference between....?
Admonish -
Shame -
Who __________ ___________?
How can we apply this message?

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Advice and Warnings to Leaders: A View from the Pew
The _____________ of becoming a leader in Christ does not always
look like _____________.
Moving from_____________ to _____________ takes time.
Signs of immature leaders
E -
R -
C -
What are the three different roles for leaders?
Some _____________
Other’s Water
God _____________
Insights into Infant and Adult Leaders
Satan can be successfully _________________.
What does James 4:7 remind us?
Solution: Foundation to Build Upon
Jesus the foundation
Gold, silver
Wood, hay and stubble

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
The Devil in the Details
Satan is _________________
What does Ephesians 6:12 remind us?
What are names of Satan from Scripture?
What do we learn from Revelation, chapter 12?
Satan doesn’t rule hell. He’s _____________ _____________.
What real power does Satan possess?
What does it mean that Satan has no “omni’s”?
What is our weapon in confronting Satan?
Satan can be successfully _________________.
What does James 4:7 remind us?
Satan wants to _____________ us.
Satan is a _____________
What does 2 Corinthians 11:14 - 15 teach us?

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
The Original Super Power
1. Power in _____________________________ (verses 1 - 5)
How did Paul “keep it simple” with the Corinthians?
Why might Paul have had “fear and trembling”?
What does 2 Corinthians 12:9 - 10 remind us?
2. Power in _____________________________ (verses 6 - 13)
What is the “secret and hidden wisdom”?
How is this wisdom hidden?
Who are the “rulers of this age”?
What do we know about the “Spirit of God”?
3. Power in the _______________ of Christ (verses 14 - 16)
What is the struggle of the natural person?
What does it mean that Christians have the “mind of Christ”?

Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
Wednesday Oct 18, 2017
1 Corinthians 1:18 - 31
Foolishness, Wisdom, and Power
1. _____________________________
This discussion must always turn back to the ____________.
What are elements of the gospel that sound foolish to
What are elements of the gospel that just sound amazing to
other people?
A key problem is what we consider the source of truth. What
are competing ideas for the source of truth?
2. _____________________________
What does verse 21 really mean?
What is the struggle for the....
3. _____________________________
What does Paul mean that not many were:
In verse 28, what are the “things that are not”?
What “boasting” is inappropriate and what is appropriate?

Sunday Oct 08, 2017
Sunday Oct 08, 2017
Corinthians 1:10 - 17
What are the 5 main sections of 1st Corinthians?
Division in the _______________
How does our culture evaluate worth?
The Corinthians are following ______________ instead of ____________.