Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Jul 16, 2017

Rebuilding the People of God 
1. Principle from Nehemiah: ___________ __________
Who was Sanballat?
What tactic are Sanballat and Tobiah using against the Jews? 
2. Principle from Nehemiah: ___________ __________
What is an imprecatory prayer? 
  Should we pray these types of pryares? 
What does Proverbs 18:2 remind us? 
3. Principle from Nehemiah: ______ _______ _______  _______ __________
Faith never means: __________
Faith and _______ work together.
What is our takeaway? 

Sunday Jul 09, 2017

Who currently is in control of the region of Judah/Israel?
What is the connection of Ezra to Nehemiah? 
1. Chapter 1 - The ______ and _______
What is the current situation around Jerusalem? 
There are a couple of different types of people in the world. 
Describe the 2 different types of people in the world. 
2. Chapter 2 - The ________
How many months have passes since Nhehemiah found out the condition of his homeland? 
What are a couple of reasons for Nehemiah's fear in this moment? 
How long will Nehemiah be away? 
    Why might the King consent to Nehemiah's prolonged absence? 
3. Chapter 3 - ______________
What is the stregnth of Chapter 3? 
What is the strength of Chapter 3? 
What lesson is there for the church in this section? 

Sunday Jul 02, 2017

Revelation 1:4-8
1.Can we identify bad news in our life? 
Are ou feelings the prophets God sends to preach to us? 
Are we listening? 
What makes us sad, anxious, or glad? 
2 WHO IS ---
"Happy work is best done by the man whotakes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment 'as to the Lord." - C.S. Lewis
3. WHO WAS ----
"There are threee reasons why any Christian who know Christ, and knows they know Christ, can be completely content and free from worry. The three reasons are: You r bad things will turn out for good; your good things can never be taken away from; and  the best things are yet to come." Jonathan Edwards 

Sunday Jun 18, 2017

Sunday Jun 11, 2017

Sunday Jun 04, 2017

Sunday May 28, 2017

John - Challenging to the End 

Sunday May 21, 2017


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