
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
Sunday Jul 16, 2017
Rebuilding the People of God
1. Principle from Nehemiah: ___________ __________
Who was Sanballat?
What tactic are Sanballat and Tobiah using against the Jews?
2. Principle from Nehemiah: ___________ __________
What is an imprecatory prayer?
Should we pray these types of pryares?
What does Proverbs 18:2 remind us?
3. Principle from Nehemiah: ______ _______ _______ _______ __________
Faith never means: __________
Faith and _______ work together.
What is our takeaway?

Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Who currently is in control of the region of Judah/Israel?
What is the connection of Ezra to Nehemiah?
1. Chapter 1 - The ______ and _______
What is the current situation around Jerusalem?
There are a couple of different types of people in the world.
Describe the 2 different types of people in the world.
2. Chapter 2 - The ________
How many months have passes since Nhehemiah found out the condition of his homeland?
What are a couple of reasons for Nehemiah's fear in this moment?
How long will Nehemiah be away?
Why might the King consent to Nehemiah's prolonged absence?
3. Chapter 3 - ______________
What is the stregnth of Chapter 3?
What is the strength of Chapter 3?
What lesson is there for the church in this section?

Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Sunday Jul 02, 2017
Revelation 1:4-8
1.Can we identify bad news in our life?
Are ou feelings the prophets God sends to preach to us?
Are we listening?
What makes us sad, anxious, or glad?
2 WHO IS ---
"Happy work is best done by the man whotakes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment 'as to the Lord." - C.S. Lewis
3. WHO WAS ----
"There are threee reasons why any Christian who know Christ, and knows they know Christ, can be completely content and free from worry. The three reasons are: You r bad things will turn out for good; your good things can never be taken away from; and the best things are yet to come." Jonathan Edwards

Sunday Jun 25, 2017

Sunday Jun 18, 2017

Sunday Jun 11, 2017

Sunday Jun 04, 2017

Sunday May 28, 2017

Sunday May 21, 2017

Sunday May 14, 2017