Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Samson - A Tragic Hero’s Tragic End
Judges 16:23-31
1. A Tragic _______________
Why are the Philistines celebrating?
The backdrop is the _______________.
Where did this event likely occur?
2. A Tragic _______________
In verse 28, Samson asks God to remember him. What does he mean?
By what name does Samson call God?
What New Testament parallel shows a man asking to be “remembered”?
Where do we find the “Hall of Faith”?
3. Avoid the _______________
What can we apply from this story of Samson?
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Out of Control
Judges 15
1. _______________ - Out of Control
In this different time and culture, how might the Philistine father be attempting a good thing (verse 2)?
What do we know about Samson’s temper?
God uses Samson’s temper…
2. _______________ - Out of Control
With Samson, for every problem there’s a _______________.
Israelites are living peacefully with the Philistines. But, what was God’s command to the Israelites?
What is the Golden Rule?
3. _______________ - Out of Control
Is Samson giving God credit for his victory (verse 18)?
How does God act in a way we would not expect (verse 19)?
Samson judged Israel for _______________ years.
Reflections on Samson from this chapter:
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Spiritual Gifts
1 Corinthians 12
1. Gifts of _______________
What does 1 Corinthians 12:7 remind us?
Who benefits from our spiritual gifts, us or others?
What does 1 Peter 4:10-11 remind us?
2. _______________ of Gifts
What are some of the gifts listed?
Is this list of gifts exhaustive?
What does 1 Corinthians 12:11 remind us?
3. The _______________ and Gifts
The gifting of those in the church is compared to parts of the _______________.
What is the difference between “public gifts” and “serving gifts”?
What does Romans 12:4-8 remind us?
What are two warnings we should heed with Spiritual Gifts tests?
How can we apply this teaching?
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Samson - All Things Work Together for Good
Judges 14
1. Samson’s Bad _______________
What is significant about the location of Timnah?
What is the problem with this girl being a Philistine?
What does 2 Corinthians 6:14 remind us?
What does Ephesians 6:1-3 remind us?
2. Samson’s _______________
Is the Lord leading Samson to sin?
What does Romans 8:28 remind us?
God will use Samson’s failure for ______________________________.
What does Acts 2:23 show us?
How does Samson violate his Nazarite vow?
3. Samson’s _______________
Was this act of violence to liberate Israel?
What was the unexpected result of Samson leaving his wife in Timnah?
What can we learn from this passage?
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Samson - Trusting God when we don’t see Him
Judges 13
1. Can’t _______________ God and _______________ Looking
What can we expect in almost every transition in Judges?
What don’t we see from Israel here?
What do we learn about Manoah’s wife?
Our trials are a prelude to God’s _______________.
2. See God and _______________ See Him
Even when God is at work, why don’t things always go smoothly?
What do we know about a “Nazarite" vow?
God’s blessing has more to do with His _______________than our _______________.
What is the response of Manoah and his wife when they realize they’ve seen the angel of the Lord?
3. See God and _______________ Him
The name “Samson” means:
We may not do the things of Samson, but God’s people have been empowered by the Spirit to...
Trusting God in Tough Times…
Trusting God in Parenting…
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Broken World; Broken People; Perfect God
Judges 10:17-11:28
1. Broken _______________
Our difficulty is God’s _______________
Be careful of major _______________ in a season of _______________
2. Broken _______________
What do we learn about Jephthah?
No reference to God raising up this judge, yet we know God gave him the _______________.
Reason doesn’t always win the _______________.
3. Perfect _______________
We struggle with the idea of God’s sovereignty in contrast to the brokenness of this world and our fellow man.
What is the theme of the Lord’s prayer?
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
The Fickle Love of God’s People
Judges 10:1-16
1. A Time of _______________
What is a “minor” judge or prophet?
If the goal in life is NOT to be remembered, then what is it?
2. A Time of _______________ and _______________
Why might God have sold Israel into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites?
What you worship, _______________ you.
3. A Time for _______________
What seems “new” about Israel’s response in verse 10?
Why might God have refused to rescue Israel?
How does God respond when He knows He needs to punish, but wants to show mercy?
Sunday Jan 20, 2019