Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Jul 01, 2018

Sunday Jun 24, 2018

Real Equality
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
1.  Real ____________________
We have one church, but many ____________________
With what was the Corinthian church struggling?
In verse 13, we’re reminded that all can be saved, without ____________________
2.  Real ____________________
Why might body parts be going AWOL?
How can a good marriage be a picture of the church?
What might we say is the difference between “public gifts” and “serving gifts”?
What do we need to guard against in how we understand our gifting?
3. Real ____________________
Is God ranking gifts?
To what does the gift of “administration" refer?
How can we apply this lesson?

Sunday Jun 17, 2018

The Gifts that Keep on Giving
1 Corinthians 12:1-11 
G. _______________ is the giver and dispenser of the gifts. 
I. _______________ is not bliss
F. _______________ drives the use of these spiritual gifts
T. _______________ and examine the spiritual gifts
S. _______________ gifts are supernaturally given to every Christ-follower
a. Insight Gifts
Wisdom - Ability to make wise decisions and supernaturally impart wisdom to others  
Knowledge - Supernaturally know some insight or issue about a situation. To warn, protect 
Discernment - Discern between truth and falsehood, to supernaturally discern what God is doing
b. Power Gifts
Faith - Supernatural ability to trust God during the most unbearable situations 
Miracles - Gift that combines faith and prayer to alter the natural outcomes 
Healing - Prayers of healing for body, soul and mind 
c. Speaking Gifts
Prophesy - Foretell (future) and forth-tell (present) God’s Word  
Tongues - Prayer language from God and/or ability to speak cross-culturally and pick up the language without ever formally studying it  
Interpretation of Tongues understands and explains what the tongues mean   
Take Away
1. Take the SHAPE inventory on our website  
2. Recognize that God gives you at least one spiritual gift.
3. Find - Use - Don’t snooze 

Sunday Jun 10, 2018

A Problem in the Church
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 
1. _______________ of the Problem
What is Paul talking about when he refers to the “head”?
2. _______________ of the Problem
In the Corinthian culture, what was appropriate for women to wear when going out in public?
What does it mean to “prophesy"?
How might a wife today demonstrate submission to her husband?
3. _______________ for the Solution
According to verse 10, we need to do this "because of angels.” To what might this refer?
After much discussion about hair, is this really about hair?
Questions we need to Ask:

Sunday Jun 03, 2018

The Lord’s Supper and Church Potlucks
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 
1. Party _______________
What kind of divisions were likely in the church?
It was not uncommon for the early church to gather for a _______________, then celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
In their culture, contempt for the _______________was common.
2. The Lord’s _______________
What’s the difference between…
What is the meaning of "Eucharist”?
3. _______________ in the Lord’s Supper
How we judge others shows our _______________.
What is a description of all people who gather at the Lord’s table?
4. The Church _______________ is Born
What elements would be new to this type of meal?
How can we apply this teaching?

Sunday May 27, 2018

Voices at the Table
1 Corinthians 11:1 
“Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.”
How did Apostle Paul know the example of Jesus to follow?
We follow and lead by people’s _______________. (not primarily by what they say)
What “example” is Paul specifically talking about? Paul is going to apply the method of Jesus.
Missing ingredient in the church: This model/ example is called _______________. (Mark 3:13; Matt. 28:18-20; 2 Tim. 2:2) 
To live the example of a godly Christ-filled life, we need to avoid _______________ and take some initiative.
Consider three models from Scripture.
1. _______________ for an older mentor. (Paul) 
Jesus and Paul’s model of ministry should also be our method of ministry.
2. __________ out a peer. (Barnabas) Acts 9:26-28; Acts 13: 2-4
3. __________ into someone younger. (Timothy) Acts 16:1-4
Why do we need these voices at our table?
We need this up-close and personal relationship to model a godly lifestyle and hold us _______________.
Mentors are examples of growth and _______________.
Discipleship can be either structured or _______________.
It must be _______________.
Do you have other voices at your table? Who is it? Who knows you? 
Take away ...Pray today for at least one: Paul (older) Barnabas (peer) Timothy (younger) 
Expect God to answer!

Sunday May 20, 2018

Sunday May 13, 2018

Personal Freedom - To the Glory of God
1 Corinthians 10:23-33
1. _______________ Freedom
Are “all things” really lawful for the Christian?
According to verse 24, I need to seek the _______________ of others.
The quote in verse 26 comes from _______________
2. Personal Freedom _______________
In verse 28 we discover that _______________ is important.
The connection of food to an idol matters when it _______________  _______  _______________
What is the difference between:
3. Personal Freedom to the _______________  _______  _______________
How does verse 31 apply to life?
How might verse 31 apply to motherhood?
According to verses 32 and 33, why do we try not to offend others?

Sunday May 06, 2018

True Happiness
1 Corinthians 10:1-22
1. _______________ from History (vv. 1-5)
To what do the references “under the cloud” and “passed through the sea” refer?
What was the spiritual food and drink?
What did the people believe regarding these "spiritual experiences”?
2. _______________ from History (vv.6-13)
How do we keep someone from desiring evil?
What is idolatry?
When we become comfortable participating in things that God is against, we are _______________  _______________.
The people of Israel took God’s provision _______________  _______________.
3. Lesson in the _______________  _______________
Idol food is not a _______________ thing, just like _______________ isn’t neutral.
False religions actually worship _______________.
What are the BIG Warnings?
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
Your happiness is tied to your _______________.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018

One Day
Luke 9:57-62
What is the significance of “one day”?
What does James 4:13-14 remind us?
If we don’t create _______________ for what’s important, what’s important becomes _______________.
1.  __________ Day  
That day you tell the Lord all of your life is His, he will….
In verses 57-58, Jesus makes no promises of material _______________.
The other side of this is that every day is _________________________.
In verses 59-60, we hear a polite, cultural _______________.
In verses 61-62, we’re reminded, when we keep our eyes on the Lord…
Is there a __________ _______________ holding back my faith?

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