Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Oct 01, 2017

1 Corinthians 1:1-9
In regard to enemies of our Christian faith...
 How might we define “the world”?
 How might we define “the flesh”?
 What do we know about Corinth?
 What were struggles with the Corinthian culture and church?
 Observations about 1st Corinthians:
 What are the 5 main sections of 1st Corinthians?
 1. Greeting
 Who is the author?

Sunday Sep 24, 2017

For Such a Time as This

Sunday Sep 10, 2017

Christ-Centeredness vs. Self-Centeredness
What does Romans 10:9 remind us? 
What does "Lordship" affect in my life? 
What does Jesus model for His disciples in John 13? 
What does Jesus promise those who serve (see John 13:17)?
Serving destroys ________________!
What does Ephesians 2:8-10 remind us? 
Why is serving important? 
How does serving affect my life? 

Sunday Sep 03, 2017

The Cross - 101
How did we ____________  _____________?
Why doesn’t God ____________  _____________?
Didn’t God ____________  _________   _____________?
Why would God do that to ____________  _____________?        
        Why is it important that Jesus be God?
The Cross was _____________.
The Cross was _____________.
The Cross was _____________.
What is our response? 

Sunday Aug 27, 2017

The Weirdness of Worship
Where might the “weird” enter into the worship experience?
What is the “Sanctification of Preference”?
What Scripture verses influence our definition of worship? 
What might be a good definition of worship?
What are elements of worship, or a worship service, we see in the book of Nehemiah? 
Is God egocentric, and/or vain, for desiring our worship?
What does it mean that we should be 80% satisfied with our church experience?
What is a good takeaway from this discussion?

Sunday Aug 20, 2017

Back to Old Habits
Nehemiah Chapter 13 1. Failure of the _____________________
Who was Tobiah?
How did Nehemiah respond to the sin of Eliashib and Tobiah?
What do we learn about offerings from verses 10 - 14?
2. Failure of the _____________________ What is the issue with the Sabbath?
What do we learn about accountability in verses 19 - 22?
Why isn’t Israel supposed to marry people of other nations?
Our Takeaway
What causes me to drift from obedience to the Lord?
What restores me to the Lord?

Sunday Aug 13, 2017

Nehemiah - Rebuilding the People of God
Chapter 10 Life Remodeling - Addressing the _____________________
What does 1 John 1:9 remind us?
1. Life Remodeling - _____________________ In verse 30, what type of intermarriage is forbidden?
Is there a New Testament parallel to this idea?
2. Life Remodeling - _____________________ Where do we find a commitment that addresses this idea?
What are two issues in this area?
3. Life Remodeling - _____________________ What type of commitment(s) are these people making?
What is a New Testament passage that addresses God’s people giving generously?

Sunday Aug 06, 2017

Nehemiah - Rebuilding the People of God
1. _____________________
Why are the people gathering?
 What church traditions likely arise from passages like this one?
 What is the meaning of “amen”?
 What does bowing one’s head represent?
 2. _____________________
Why might these people be weeping?
What does Romans 6:20 - 21 remind us?
 3. _____________________
According to verse 10, why is it time to celebrate?
Why did the people need to be calmed (v. 11)?
 What is the purpose of Chapter 9?
 How does today’s message connect with communion?

Sunday Jul 30, 2017

1. Internal _____________________
What are the problems the Jews are having during this time? 
What happens when you can no longer trust your fellow countrymen? 
2. Oppression leads to ______________ ; ____________________ can lead to change
How can change occur at this stage? 
Before whom does Nehemiah put the leaders on trial? 
What is an important key to social reform? 
3. Chage begins with _____________
How is the "fear of God" [verse 15} a good thing? 
How can verse 19 be a motivation for us? 
Our takeaway: 
Two Questions-

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