Sandhills Community Church Sermons

Weekly sermons from Sunday morning services at Sandhills Community Church in Columbia, SC.

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Sunday Feb 03, 2019

Broken World; Broken People; Perfect God
Judges 10:17-11:28
1.  Broken _______________
Our difficulty is God’s _______________ 
Be careful of major _______________ in a season of _______________
2.  Broken _______________
What do we learn about Jephthah?
No reference to God raising up this judge, yet we know God gave him the _______________.
Reason doesn’t always win the _______________.
3.  Perfect _______________
We struggle with the idea of God’s sovereignty in contrast to the brokenness of this world and our fellow man.
What is the theme of the Lord’s prayer?

Sunday Jan 27, 2019

The Fickle Love of God’s People
Judges 10:1-16
1.  A Time of  _______________
What is a “minor” judge or prophet?
If the goal in life is NOT to be remembered, then what is it?
2.  A Time of _______________ and _______________
Why might God have sold Israel into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites?
What you worship, _______________ you.
3.  A Time for _______________
What seems “new” about Israel’s response in verse 10?
Why might God have refused to rescue Israel?
How does God respond when He knows He needs to punish, but wants to show mercy?

Sunday Jan 13, 2019

Sunday Jan 06, 2019

Our Silent, Present God
Judges 9:22-57
1. The Silence of God
Why might Israel have thought God was not paying them attention?
2. The Presence of God
How can God send an evil spirit?
Why are the leaders of Shechem held accountable?
3. The Silence of God
What do we know about Gaal?
How can wine be dangerous?
What is ironic about Gaal’s argument against Abimelech?
How do the words of Jotham’s fable (9:15) come true?
4. The Presence of God
What do we know about Thebez?
What do we know about the nameless woman who dropped the stone?
What do we learn about God?
What do we learn about Abimelech?
What do we learn about ourselves? 

Sunday Dec 30, 2018

JJudges 9:1-21

Sunday Dec 23, 2018

Christ Encounters
1. Shepherds and Worship (Luke 2:8-21)
_______________ leads to worship
2. Mary and Worship (Luke 1:26-38; 46-55)
_______________ leads to worship
3. Wise Men and Worship (Matthew 2:1-12)
_______________ leads to Worship
What is the reason for the season?
"Fixing our eyes on Jesus"
What is your response to the Savior?

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018

The Story of Christmas and Our Story
The Story -
What are the elements of dramatic structure?
1. Exposition
2. Rising Action
3. Climax
4. Falling Action
5. Denouement
When it comes to the Christmas story, what are the elements of exposition?
What are the elements of rising action?
What is the climax of God’s story?
In Matthew 1:18-25, what do we learn about Joseph’s journey?
In Luke 1:26-38, what do we learn about Mary’s journey?
Our Story -
In Luke 2:8-14, what do we learn about the Shepherd’s journey?
How should we respond to what we’ve heard? 

Sunday Dec 09, 2018

How Can They Hear
Romans 10:14-15

Sunday Dec 02, 2018

Wonder of a Counselor
Matthew 6:24-34
Worry is defined by your _______________
Worry causes us to _______________ out of control
Worship reverses _______________
Place your worry into the arms of the _______________  _______________
How can we beat anxiety and worry? 
I surrender the dominant worry of _______________ to my wonderful counselor

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